“Freelance” (2023), directed by Pierre Morel, is an adrenaline-fueled action comedy that pairs the unlikely duo of John Cena and Alison Brie. Set against the backdrop of a fictional war-torn country, the film combines humor, chaos, and unexpected camaraderie.
Ex-special forces operative Mason Pettits (John Cena) finds himself stuck in a mundane desk job. Reluctantly, he accepts a freelance gig to provide private security for washed-up journalist Claire Wellington (Alison Brie). Claire’s mission? To interview the impeccably dressed dictator, Juan Venegas (Juan Pablo Raba). But when a military coup erupts during the interview, Mason, Claire, and Venegas are thrust into a jungle survival adventure. They must navigate the treacherous terrain, evade danger, and outwit each other to make it out alive.
The jungle becomes a character itself—oppressive, lush, and teeming with danger. Cinematographer Sebastian Eslava captures the raw beauty and claustrophobia of this fictional land.
“Freelance” won’t redefine the genre, but it’s a popcorn-worthy escape. Whether you’re a fan of Cena’s brawn or Brie’s wit, this action-packed ride delivers just enough thrills to keep you entertained.
*Watch “Freelance” on Hulu or rent it on [Fandango at Home]